Account Logon
Logging on to your account
Remember, your username is your email address
How do I create an account?
Select the Click here to create a New Account link in the right-hand side of this page, and then follow the instructions.
What if I want to create an account for a Group Members such as children or other family members?
After you have created and activated your account you may log on to add Group Members such as children or other family members.
If you are not comfortable creating an account online, you have other options.
In Person: Edmonton Garrison Military Fitness Centre, Mons Ave and Range Road 244
By Phone: 780-973-4011 ext 4392
I forgot my password – what do I do?
Select the Click here to retrieve your Account Information link in the right – hand side of this page, and then follow the instructions.
Have questions? Please call 780-973-4011 ext 4394
Online services is just another way for us to provide support customer service to our military communities. When registering into one of our programs, please ensure that you choose the rate that correctly corresponds to your course. If unsure please contact the Community & Recreation Association for assistance. All incorrect rates will be adjusted, and you will receive notification from your local Community & Recreation office to ensure payment is received prior to class start. Frequent errors in rate choice could result in removal of online privileges and an adminstrative fee may be applied. Thank you for your assistance in continual success of our online registration procedures.