
Courses are subject to cancellation due to insufficient registration. If this situation occurs, a full refund will be issued.

In the event that the Personnel Support programs must cancel a class or lesson, every attempt will be made to have the class or lesson re-scheduled.

Waiting Lists

If the course you are interested in is full, you have the option of making another course selection or being put on a wait list for the course of your choice however, there is no guarantee that a space will become available. Participants will be contacted only if a space becomes available.

Returned Cheque /Declined Credit Card Fee

A service fee will be levied after two cumulative declined credit card payments and on all cheques returned as Non Sufficient Funds (NSF); Stop Payment; or Funds Not Cleared.

Goods and Services Tax

The Goods and Services Tax of 5% applies to recreation programs and services and materials where applicable and is included in the fee.

Medication Administration

If the participant requires that staff be responsible for storing, administering, or supervising the administration of any medication, the participant or parent/guardian of the participant will be required to sign a release waiver at the facility where the program is being offered. Please contact the facility to obtain additional information.

Severe Allergies

It is the responsibility of the participant or parent/guardian of the participant to identify themselves or their child(ren) if they have a severe allergy and require an autoinjector. Personnel Support Programs attempts to ensure the safety and well being of all participants with "allergen-safe zones and practices". Participants or parents/guardians of participants will be required to provide two autoinjectors and sign a release waiver at the facility where the program is offered.

Special Needs

Participants or parents/guardians of participants are asked to provide information regarding special needs requirements before the start of the program. Please contact the staff at the facility where the program is being offered for assistance.

Children's Fitness Tax Credit

The children's fitness tax credit lets parents claim up to $500 per year for eligible fitness expenses paid for each child who is under 16 years of age at the beginning of the year in which the expenses are paid. For more information visit the Government of Canada website: www.cra.gc.ca/fitness.

 Fitness and Wellness Readiness

It is recommended that participants registered in a fitness activity complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and consult with their physician before participating.

Fitness Memberships

Please note that membership cards are not transferable, remain the property of Personnel Support Programs and must be returned to staff when requested. It is recommended that participants using the weight and cardio rooms schedule an appointment for an orientation session.

Code of Conduct

In an effort to provide participants and staff with a safe and enjoyable environment, inappropriate behaviour, foul language and aggressive behaviour to other participants and staff is not permitted, as well as intentional damage to NPP property and the property of others. Personnel Support Programs reserves the right to take necessary measures including, but not limited to, suspension or termination of enrolment and/or contacting the police when any participant contravenes Base/Wing/ Unit policies and/or by-laws.