Account Logon 

Logon To My Account
I Don't Have An Account

Click here to create a New Account

Create Account

What type of account would you like to create?

Click to Create
Individual Account

Click to Create
Group Member Account
Create an Individual Account if you are an adult making purchases for yourself. You may add group members to your account at any time.Create a Group Member Account if you are making purchases for group members and you are the primary billing contact.

I Forgot My Password

Click here to retrieve your Account Information

To log on to your account, sign in with your username and password. 

Forgot your password? Follow the link above to retrieve your account Information.

Want to add a group member to your account?  After you have created and activated your account, you may log on to add Group Members such as children or other family members from the Group Members tab.

If you are not comfortable creating an account online, you have other options.

  • In person: Uplands Military Community Centre (UMCC) 330 Croil Private, Building 471, Gloucester, ON K1V 1J1
  • By telephone: 613-998-8216
  • By email: